In 2024, Daylight Savings Time (DST) starts on 6 October in Australia. DST always starts on the first Sunday of October and clocks are put forward by one hour. DST will continue until it ends on the first Sunday of April 2025, which will be 6 April
For your convenience, Telelink Business Systems – Adelaide’s leading provider of NEC telephone systems – has provided instructions about how you change the time on your NEC phone system. However should you have purchased the new SV8100 or SV9100 Communications Server with Telstra ISDN sevices you will be pleased to know that the server synchs with the Telstra ISDN exchange on a daily basis and corrects the time automatically.If you have recently installed SIP services for NBN no problem your NEC communications server will automatically change the daylight savings time for you.
Full Instructions: Changing the time involves a different process for each NEC phone system. We have provided full instructions on how to change the time and date for each system listed below, with the numbered steps to make the change.
Click on your telephone model to go to the instruction page for your NEC phone system: